The Manchester cotton mills – and their glory of tiles, terracotta and stained glass – are now hotels, offices, chic apartments, hipster bars, fine eateries and gritty drinking dens. The textile trade has disappeared, but you can find sustainable fashion in the old rag-trade district. This book will also take you to alternative Manchester - Radical Manchester from Peterloo to the Pankhursts, Literary Manchester from Elizabeth Gaskell to Anthony Burgess, and of course to Madchester, the crazy music scene of Morrissey, Tony Wilson, the Hacienda and Factory Records.
- Author: Treuherz, Julian & de Figueiredo, Peter
- Publisher: ACC Art Books Ltd
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 18/03/2024
- ISBN: 9783740822460
- B-Code: B072208
- Illustrated: Colour images
- Pages: 240
- Dimensions: 205x135mm