One of our favourite things we do at Bookspeed is introduce the joy of selling books to retailers who don’t specialise in books.

Books are a popular gift choice and can be great products to inspire impulse purchases in many physical retail settings, from museums to farm shops to independent boutiques. But with more than 180,000 titles released by hundreds of publishers in the UK every year, finding the right books can be like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack.

Here are some of our top tips on what you should consider when developing your first book range:

Start with your core themes

Books are a brilliant way to reflect your existing retail themes and can help you tell a story. We always advise that anyone starting out with books should start with topics that are already popular with your customers. Look for books that cross merchandise effectively with your existing products. Many of our customers find books sell well when integrated with existing ranges.

Include some established bestsellers

Food books spread out on a dinner table

We can advise you on the books that sell well in retail settings just like yours. We have thousands of customers across gift, destination, garden and cultural and heritage sectors so we have the data and the experience to identify books that will sell in those settings. We regularly update the bestsellers sections on our website, so we recommend looking there for some reliable choices to get you started.

But avoid heavily promoted titles

Many people are reluctant to sell books because they fear being unable to compete with large online retailers or supermarkets. So, it’s important to choose the right titles. For this reason, we direct our customers away from the latest celebrity memoir or hot new novel. We find that people are likely to search for those types of titles online and look for the lowest price available. Instead, the books we recommend work best as part of a curated retail experience and are selected to evoke a sense of discovery and inspire an impromptu gift purchase. Our customers are often surprised by how well received books are, despite initial concerns about competition.

Be design led

Flower-themed books spread out on a pink background

We are passionate about a gorgeous cover at Bookspeed. Yes, the content is important too, but beautiful books can be like petite works of art that can lift any retail display. You can choose books that complement your interior design, or to introduce new trends into your retail setting.

Include variety

It’s important to include different price points to cater for different budget levels. We offer small but perfectly packaged pick-up books that retail for less than a tenner, but for a sense of affordable luxury, beautifully designed hardbacks or coffee table books. These titles can really add the “wow factor” to your ranges and make thoughtful gifts for special occasions.

Think local

Yorkshire books

Books written by local authors or covering regional themes can help root your product range in your local community. Seasonal visitors will appreciate the regional connection too. You can search for books by region on our website.

Book range staples to get you started

How to start selling books

Bookspeed is a books wholesale service. We support retailers to select, source and supply bespoke book ranges to complement any retail theme or design.

We’ll be at Top Drawer London if you’d like to chat to our team or browse our books in person.

But if you’re ready to start selling books today, get in touch or open a trade account.