Gardening has always been a favourite pastime in the UK but in recent years it’s soared in popularity. Sales of gardening products are estimated to grow to £6.66 billion pounds by 2025, and our range of gardening books continues to expand, offering titles for every type of gardener.

Bookspeed’s Marija is a recent gardening convert, so we asked her to share her thoughts on the books and trends that will catch the eye of your green-fingered customers.

Gardening books spread out in a rock garden

I’ve just bought a house, so I’m in the process of transforming our grey outdoor space into something nice.

My main focus has been flowers, while my partner has been growing fruit and veg. We want to create  something pretty that enhances the appearance of the street, and give passers by something attractive to look at.

We want to connect more with nature as well. We’re trying to attract some bees and birds into our garden, and draw some wildlife into the suburbs.

I’ve always really loved the gardening titles Bookspeed selects. Especially the larger, beautifully designed books with lots of lovely pictures. Naturally our garden titles are popular with our garden centre customers, but we see farm shops and gift retailers choosing them too. There’s a good selection of titles for any sort of gardener, from newbie to seasoned horticulturist.

I think many people are looking for ways to be more sustainable and self-sufficient, and gardening can be part of that lifestyle. Sustainability is definitely one of a few themes I’ve been noticing in the books customers are ordering, and here are a few other trends I’ve been noting:

Container gardening

The millennials’ appetite for houseplants has introduced the benefits of living with greenery to a whole new generation. But many younger people typically live in smaller homes in urban areas, where access to private outdoor spaces can be limited. Container or vertical gardening are methods that make growing plants more accessible in small and urban spaces. But it’s a style of gardening that really suits any garden type, so it’s not surprising that this is really popular right now.

My recommended books

A Year Full of Pots

Pink book cover for Sarah Raven's A Year Full of Pots

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Containers book jacket

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Vertical gardening

Photographic jacket cover for vertical gardening

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Self sufficiency

When we rely on food to be exported from other countries, we’re susceptible to food shortages and price hikes, plus there’s a detrimental environmental impact to shipping foods around the world. That’s a big part of why more people, including myself, are growing our own fruit and veg. It's also just super satisfying to pick your own herbs from your garden. There’s a wealth of great books on the market to inspire people.

My recommended books

The Raised Bed Book

Illustrated cover for My Raised bed Book

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The Self Sufficency Garden

Illustrated cover for self-sufficiency book cover

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Cottage gardens

Lots of home-owners are turning their backs on manicured lawns and overly landscaped spaces and allowing their gardens to grow wild for a more natural look and better biodiversity. Cottage gardens are back in vogue. You don’t even have to own a cottage to achieve the look, just a willingness to embrace the colour and chaos that this type of garden can bring.

My book recommendations

A New Cottage Garden

Photographic cover image for A New Cottage Garden

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The Flower Yard: Planting a Paradise

Photographic jacket image for the Flower Yard

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Attracting wildlife

Biodiversity loss is a grave concern, but there are simple changes people can make to their own outdoor space to boost insect and wildlife populations. We see lots of books on this topic sell really well, reflecting a genuine demand to create wildlife-friendly gardens. Bring back the bees!

My book recommendations

Planting for wildlife

Illustrated Planting for Wildlife cover

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The Wildlife Garden

Illustrated jacket cover for The Wildlife Garden

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More inspiration

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