Obelix is aff his food. He’s got his heid in the cloods. Whit’s wrang? The big dumplin has fawn heid ower heels in love! But the bonnie Purestotta, his ain true love, doesnae want him. She’s greetin ower her fiancé Herthrobbix that’s been pauchled intae jinin the Roman airmy. Asterix and Obelix jine up and aw and become Roman sodgers tae rescue Herthrobbix. But when they chairge skelp bang intae the middle o his war, they gie Julius Caesar a heidache tae match Obelix’s hertache.
- Author: Goscinny & Uderzo
- Publisher: Dalen Books
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 03/12/2018
- ISBN: 9781906587819
- B-Code: B034951
- Illustrated: Full colour
- Pages: 48
- Dimensions: 287x218mm