Richt, afore ye say onythin: this is a JOURNAL, aye? No a diary. I ken fine whit it says on the front. But when ma Maw went doon the shops I SPECIALLY telt her tae get yin that didnae say "diary" on it. Well seen, eh. Aw I need noo is for some bampot tae spy me cairtin this book aboot and get the wrang end o the stick. Jeff Kinney’s international bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid has been translated into Scots for the first time ! Readers can follow the adventures of twelve year old hero Greg Heffley in gallus modern easy to read Scots, packed with laughter, gags, disasters, daydreams and plenty more.
- Author: Kinney, Jeff
- Publisher: Itchy Coo Children's Books
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 20/09/2018
- ISBN: 9781785302145
- B-Code: B039833
- Illustrated: B/w line drawings
- Pages: 226
- Dimensions: 198x129mm