From the goddess-nun Brigid and the absent-minded Cainnech, to severe ascetics such as Columbanus and Baldred, the Celtic saints demonstrated a close connection with the natural world, astonishing self-discipline and rigorous commitment to being 'pilgrims for Christ'. Having established a network of monastic communities on the Atlantic seaboard, they travelled across Britain and deep into continental Europe, transforming religious experience wherever they went. Digging below layers of myth and hagiography, this book offers glimpses of the individuals who created Celtic Christianity.
- Author: Wareing, Laurence
- Publisher: Birlinn Ltd
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 15/04/2020
- ISBN: 9781780275703
- B-Code: B048460
- Illustrated: b/w line illustrations
- Pages: 96
- Dimensions: 178x111mm