We always talk about the beauty of nature. Hardly anyone takes a good long look at its ugly side. In this fully illustrated hardback, you will encounter the goblin shark, the aye-aye, the blobfish, the naked mole rat, and sixty other creatures of fascinating anti-pulchritude. Along the way, children and adults will discover why these animals developed their extraordinary features, and perhaps see them in a new light. Sami Bayly recently completed a degree in natural history illustration, is based in Australia, and loves all things weird and wonderful.
- Author: Bayly, Sami
- Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Children's Division
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 11/06/2020
- ISBN: 9781526363046
- B-Code: B051192
- Illustrated: Colour illustrations
- Pages: 128
- Dimensions: 290x235mm