Learn about the 22 Major Arcana cards and develop the power of your third eye. Using vibrant illustrations from various decks, this comprehensive guide gives you useful tools to personally touch the sacred wisdom of the Tarot, with specific directions to help interpret the imagery-rich language of the cards. If you're a beginning Tarot student, it provides the means to build a strong inner foundation for creating insightful interpretations. If you're already a reader, it offers journaling suggestions to encourage a deeper personal relationship with each card.
  • Author: Daniels, Kooch N
  • Publisher: Red Feather
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 28/05/2020
  • ISBN: 9780764359491
  • B-Code: B053241
  • Illustrated: Colour images
  • Pages: 176
  • Dimensions: 228x152mm