At what age does the human brain begin to deteriorate? How many press-ups does it take to burn off one Creme Egg? When will the sun finally go out? Addressing these questions - as well as 831 others, also with dispiriting answers - this is the ultimate quiz book for deplorable times. It’s a panoply of pessimism, a smorgasbord of skulduggery, a meisterwerk of melancholia. Even the copyright page is infected with the spirit of Eeyore. You’ll love it - and even if you don’t, you can enjoy moaning about it.
  • Author: Shaw, Karl
  • Publisher: Old Street Publishing c/o Parallel
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 02/11/2021
  • ISBN: 9781913083038
  • B-Code: B059376
  • Illustrated: B/w images
  • Pages: 352
  • Dimensions: 198x129mm