Now in its fourth edition, Secret Dublin features 140 secret and unusual locations. Discover the inner sanctum of Freemason's Hall; see Napoleon's toothbrush; marvel at a hoax plaque hidden in plain sight on O'Connell Bridge; try George IV's footprints for size; venture into a Georgian time capsule on Henrietta Street; cross the bridge beneath which William Rowan Hamilton had his 'Eureka' moment; explore a `museum' flat preserved exactly as it was almost 100 years ago; tune into the world of vintage radio in a Martello Tower - and much more.
- Author: o Conghaile, Pol
- Publisher: Jonglez Publishing
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 30/06/2023
- ISBN: 9782361956264
- B-Code: B067110
- Illustrated:
- Pages: 256
- Dimensions: 190x105mm