Whether it’s your first time on the mat or you’re a seasoned pro, the teachings in these pages offer the benefits of Pilates to everyone. Kick-start your at-home workout routine and improve posture, build strength and increase flexibility. Includes a breakdown of the Pilates system with guidance on the six core principles of concentration, control, centre, flow, precision and breathing; illustrated step-by-step instructions for 36 different Pilates exercises; uplifting quotations to inspire positive thinking and enhance your Pilates practice.
  • Author: Lawrence, Rachel
  • Publisher: Summersdale Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 09/03/2023
  • ISBN: 9781800076952
  • B-Code: B067267
  • Illustrated: B/w illustrations
  • Pages: 128
  • Dimensions: 148x105mm