From the forest glens of Romania to the mountain aeries of Colorado, the menagerie of creatures in this book comes from a range of mythologies and cultures. Encounter more than 90 woodland beings, including Andvari, a magical ring-wearing dwarf from Norse Mythology who lives under a waterfall; Baba Yaga, a potent witch said to live deep in the Russian forest; Glawackus-a fearsome creature of the American woods; Sasabonsam, creatures from Ghanaian folklore with red hair and iron teeth who are said to feast on wanderers – and many more.
  • Author: Lancaster, Jason
  • Publisher: Perseus Running Press
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 24/10/2024
  • ISBN: 9780762486137
  • B-Code: B074535
  • Illustrated: One-colour illustrations
  • Pages: 144
  • Dimensions: 178x127mm