Pip pip and tally-ho! Take a meander with Joolz in search of a drink and a story. Each of the 18 walks in this guide begins in a famous local, before taking the scenic route to other popular pubs in the area - whether it’s a wander around Wapping, along the Thames from leafy Chiswick, visiting the old gin palaces of Bloomsbury or historic boozers in Mayfair. Illustrated throughout and with a map of each area, along with London insider knowledge, pub paraphernalia and quizzes.
- Author: McDonnell, Julian
- Publisher: Quadrille Publishing Ltd
- Format: Paperback
- Publication Date: 13/03/2025
- ISBN: 9781837832798
- B-Code: B076662
- Illustrated: Colour photos and illustrations
- Pages: 320
- Dimensions: 185x135mm