For many third-culture kids, the sight and sound of clacking mahjong tiles conjures deep-seated memories. Taking the lead from her grandfather, Nicole Wong walks you through gameplay, delves into the strategy, history, and design of the game, and discusses various popular styles of play (American mah-jongg, Japanese riichi mahjong, and more). Snippets of the author’s family history are sprinkled throughout, telling a story of the Asian diaspora through mahjong and showcasing mahjong culture past and present. With vibrant photography and detailed instructional diagrams throughout.
- Author: Wong, Nicole
- Publisher: Hardie Grant
- Format: Hardback
- Publication Date: 10/04/2025
- ISBN: 9781958417638
- B-Code: B077090
- Illustrated: Colour throughout
- Pages: 176
- Dimensions: 225x175mm