The Pictish School of Celtic art from pagan symbols to monumental sculptures is thoroughly covered and illustrated in this classic book which introduces the work of those who cut pagan symbols like the Burghead Bull, and in the early Christian era designed such superb examples of monumental sculpture as the Aberlemno Cross, the Ardagh Chalice and the counter-parts in the Books of Kells and Lindisfarne. It is an indispensable reference book and practical textbook for artists and craftsman seeking simple constructional methods for laying out complex ornamental schemes. It covers the entire chronology of symbols from spirals through chevrons, step patterns and keys to knotwork interlacings, which are unique to this particular Celtic school and there are also sections dealing with zoomorphics, authentic Celtic knitwear, ceramics and other areas in which the author pioneered in his day.
  • Author: Bain, George
  • Publisher: Constable & Robinson
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 28/02/1990
  • ISBN: 9780094769007
  • B-Code: B18305
  • Illustrated:
  • Dimensions: 285x226mm