This first ever guide to the Scottish bothies reveals the country’s unique and often hidden network of bothy cabins and mountain huts which are free to stay in and offer a chance to experience the ultimate in wild adv enture living. It includes all the Mountain Bothy Association's 81 bothies and many lesser-known gems, accompanied by stunning photography which captures the spirit of bothying culture and Scotland’s wildest places. Written by the founder of the ‘Bothies on a Bike’ blog, it offers detailed information on the locations and approach routes by foot, canoe and bicycle and highlights the best bothies for Munros, beach, seclusion and families.
  • Author: Allan, Geoff
  • Publisher: Wild Things Publishing Ltd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 01/03/2017
  • ISBN: 9781910636107
  • B-Code: B028414
  • Illustrated: colour photos & maps
  • Pages: 304
  • Dimensions: 210x170mm