Our food and drink collections are among some of our most popular at Bookspeed, so we asked Key Account Manager and resident foodie Lisa to share her insights on the latest cookbook trends.

Books on a white marble background surrounded by food items.

I love the variety of cookbooks we offer at Bookspeed. And the covers! I love to see bold colours. Personally, I want to see something that would look great in the kitchen. And there are so many brilliant titles to choose from at the moment.

When I’m recommending books to customers, colours matter. I try to pick out books that would complement their shop’s interiors scheme. I think about who is shopping in their stores, and tailor suggestions towards that target audience.

I also keep an eye on trends. I follow a lot of foodie influencers on Instagram and pick up on new and emerging food themes there. But I also notice patterns in my customers’ orders, and I’m guided by our sales data to determine if a trend is likely to stick around or just a flash in the pan! (Excuse the pun!)

Here are some of the trends I’ve seen flourishing so far this year:

Asian cookery

Chinese New Year increased demand for Asian cookbooks, but many of my retail customers are still ordering these books. There’s been real growth in Asian restaurants, especially where I live in Glasgow. Younger generations, in particular, are drawn to this cuisine. Suzie Lee has made a splash in the media, with her brand of accessible Chinese home cooking. Her appearances on This Morning often drive her book sales and I’ve seen her latest title Simply Chinese Feasts on lots of orders recently.

Books to look out for

Simply Chinese Feasts 

Red jacket cover for Simply Chinese Feasts

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Ramen Forever

Graphical cover for the book Ramen Forever.

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Social media is said to be responsible for the recent beans revival. Lately, I’ve seen lots of vegan content creators sharing great recipes for beans and pulses. This humble ingredient is having a moment, and some interesting bean-inspired cookbooks are starting to emerge on the scene.

Books to look out for

Bold beans

Black cover for Bold Beans

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Greens and beans (published in August)

Photographic cover for greens and beans

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Recipes for gut health

There has been an explosion in interest in gut health, following lots of new research in the field. Greater awareness of how diet directly influences health, has created fresh demand for inspiration on how to eat well for body and mind. As a result we're seeing a great choice of books on the theme too. 

Books to look out for

The Gut Stuff

Green jacket cover for the gut stuff

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Leon Happy Guts

Jacket cover for the book Happy Guts

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The Healing Cookbook

Jacket cover for the healing cookbook featuring a photo of a bowl of healthy food

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Basic staples with a twist

Straitened economic times could be prompting people towards back-to-basics cooking, drawing from store cupboard staples. We noticed that books featuring simple dishes, such as toast or one-pan chicken, were really popular at the spring/summer trade shows. Publishers are approaching this theme creatively, showing that basic doesn’t mean boring. We’ve seen lots of interesting cookbooks reinventing simple or familiar dishes with bold, eye-catching designs. .

Books to look out for

Seriously Good Toast

Blue jacket cover forthe book Seriously Good Toast

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The Tinned Tomatoes Cookbook

Graphical cover for the Tinned Tomatoes Cookbook

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One-pan chicken

Light brown cover for the cookbook One Pan chicken

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